Waking Up to No Notifications, 0 Views, 0 Reads, and 0 Money?

Stop ‘reloading’ and follow these simple yet powerful steps.

Moments Online
3 min readMay 26, 2022
A phone calculator displays the number zero.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You wake up excited to check out your statistics.

The previous day you published a great article. Your storytelling was perfect, and you were detailed and concise.

So, you log into your account, awaiting to see some notifications. At least 10 of those green pop-ups will be motivating because you put a lot of work into your article.

To your dismay, you find out not only were there no notifications, but views and reads are still at 0.

You quickly check your earnings. And the money you made two days back hasn’t changed.

You only have…


…in your Medium partner program earnings or less.

You begin to question your writing and blogging skills:

  • Am I cut out for writing?
  • Was Medium the right platform?
  • Are my efforts worth it?
  • Do I keep writing?
  • What am I doing wrong?

Don’t worry.

Here are three simple yet powerful tips to get more views and reads.



Moments Online

Developer • Content Creator • Business Enthusiast - Writing to express not to impress. Taking life a day at a time.